Citrix Session Recording with Cloud Integration

When integrating Session Recording with Citrix Cloud you setup the on-premise configuration as if it was a local install. Then you will install a piece of middleware to link this to your Citrix Cloud account. Here are some quick steps for the installation process.

Session Recording Server Installation process

  1. Use PowerShell to install prerequisites on server. InstallPrereqsforSessionRecordingAdministration.ps1
  2. Install Broker_PowerShellSnapIn_x64.msi from CVAD installation media
  3. Install SessionRecordingAdministrationx64.msi from Session Recording download
    1. Select all options (Database is just the database connectivity tools)
    2. Specify your SQL server for Session Recording Data, and Logging databases
  4. Bind an SSL certificate to the IIS site created on Session Recording Server
  5. Download SRCloudClientService.msi from Citrix Cloud Session Recording portal
    1. Must be installed with /q
    2. Full command line for install is
      msiexec /i “\SRCloudClientService.msi” CUSTOMERID=”Your cloud customer ID” CLIENTID=”For API you created” CLIENTSECRET=”For API you created”

Session Recording Agent Installation process

  1. User PowerShell to install prerequisites on VDA  InstallPrereqsforSessionRecordingAgent.ps1
  2. Install SessionRecordingAgentx64.msi from Session Recording download
  3. During install enter the name of the Session Recording Server you created above
  4. If installing on a non-persistent machine place this powershell script on the machine GENRANDOMQMID.PS1
    1. Make sure that the execution policy is set to RemoteSigned or Unrestricted in PowerShell. Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
    2. Create a scheduled task, set the trigger as on system startup, and run with the SYSTEM account on the PVS or MCS master image machine.
    3. Add the command as a startup task.  powershell.exe -file <path>\GenRandomQMID.ps1

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